Top 10 IsaFYI Articles of 2017

In a few short weeks, 2017 will come to a close, but before we embark on a brand-new year filled with exciting new goals, let’s look back at the articles that influenced YOU most on your health and wellness journey.

No. 10. Seasonal Offerings Are HERE! 

This season, you opted to hop online instead of in line when searching for that perfect gift and shared your passion for health with these phenomenal gift-giving ideas. We know because products flew off the shelves in record time.


No. 9. The Highly Anticipated ‘Transform Your Life’ Video! 

When it comes to tackling new goals, having a plan is key. This video shares how Isagenix solutions can transform your life with our scientifically developed and studied, convenient, and delicious, no-compromise products. Watch it for yourself.


No. 8. Voting For Our New Anniversary Shake Flavor 

In March, Isagenix celebrated its 15th anniversary, and to commemorate the happy occasion we asked YOU to choose the flavor of our limited-time anniversary shake. First-day sales for this highly anticipated product now rank among our Top 5 best days.


No. 7. How Our Athletes Use Informed-Sport Certified Products 

At Celebration 2017, we proudly announced our decision to begin rigorous testing on our Performance products to look for World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned substances. As a result, powerhouse pros now turn to Isagenix to get game-day ready.

Isabody What's In It For Me






No. 6.  Transform Your Body and Life With the Challenge 

A good challenge is what awakens the mind, body, and soul. While most look at the new year as a great time to start a new weight loss journey, we challenge you to look beyond the scale and transform your life. The IsaBody Challenge® is a 16-week transformation challenge that can help you achieve that goal!












No 5. The Difference Between IsaPro and IsaLean Shake 

It’s by far one of the most frequently asked questions: What’s the difference between IsaLean™ Shake and IsaPro®? Do you know?


No. 4. 30 Days to a Healthier You 

Last January, you committed to becoming a healthier version of yourself and you stayed the course! You should be proud – that’s no tiny feat. Here’s the product that helped you get started and the one product you should have on hand to kick-start 2018.












No. 3. 5 Solution-Based Videos For Your Toolbox! (VIDEOS) 

When the opportunity presents itself to share Isagenix organically with others, these five tailored videos do the talking for you. They are the real-life stories of our very own Isagenix Customers.












No. 2. Introducing Our Most Important Initiative Ever! 

Customers like you are the lifeblood of our business. You are the reason we continue to create the most nutritious food on the planet. You’re passionate about sharing our products, and we’re passionate about putting YOU first!


No. 1. Top 10: 400-600 Calorie Recipes 

Good health is one part exercise, one part eating; but choosing what to eat that’s healthy is sometimes daunting. These 400-600 calorie recipes were chosen by your peers and designed to keep you IsaBody™ ready! Bookmark this article for easy access.

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