- What’s Inside IsaLean Shake?
A culmination of complete nutrients that rivals the food pyramid. It’s amazing nutrition without the hassle of counting endless foods, ingredients, and calories:
24 grams of high-quality protein
Made from whey and milk from grass-fed cows
Branched-chain amino acids
Help sustain energy, build muscle, and burn fat
Energy-fueling carbohydrates
Including fiber that fills you up and supports digestion
Good fats
Including monounsaturated fats commonly found in nuts and avocados
23 vitamins and minerals
Essential nutrients your body needs to function at its best
AMAZING taste!
Perhaps the most important ingredient — flavors like Birthday Cake Flavor, Creamy Dutch Chocolate, Creamy French Vanilla, and more!
|||Results not typical. Weight loss, muscle gain, lifestyle, and other results depicted here reflect exceptional individual experiences of Isagenix Customers and should not be construed as typical or average. Results vary with individual effort, body composition, eating patterns, time, exercise, and other factors, such as genetic and physiological makeup. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. View the study results.
22 reviews for IsaLean® Shake