The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Living this Holiday Season

Let’s be honest: trying to lose weight and stay healthy through the holiday season can be a monumental task. So can staying focused on your business.

If your holiday season is anything like mine, it’s a marathon of eating, traveling, and shopping, with plenty of stress to go around. It’s no wonder that, according to research from Texas A&M International University, the average person eats 619 extra calories per day between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.

Heightened levels of stress plus a near-constant availability of delicious, rich foods and snacks can land a devastating one-two punch on anyone’s motivation and willpower. And if you’re looking to grow your Isagenix business, busy schedules can make it easy for your business to take a back seat. Whatever your goals may be, the holidays can make them feel almost impossible.

Here’s the thing, though: it’s NOT impossible, and more importantly, you can do it and we can help you!

Introducing the Healthy Living Guide

The just-released Healthy Living Guide is designed to provide you with a total circle of wellness through the holiday season. From exclusive new products and flavors to a full slate of promotions and discounts, putting your healthiest foot forward has never been easier! Here are a few tips for making the most of the Healthy Living Guide as you work towards your goals this holiday season:

Keep Your “Why” Front and Center

Though it’s only about six weeks, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day can feel like an eternity if you’re trying stay on track with your weight loss goals. But you made these goals for a reason and you can’t lose sight of that. When the going gets tough, remembering your “why” can help you hit the brakes before you mindlessly consume a week’s worth of calories at a family gathering.

But the best way to keep your “why” front and center is to be sure you’re starting off on the right foot. There are about 36 days until Thanksgiving, which means if you act fast, you have time to order a 30-Day System and complete it before the big feast. The best part? You’ll receive a FREE Content™ Essential Oil Blend when you order the 30-Day System or Weight Loss Value Pak!

Manage Your Stress

There are plenty of reasons to feel stressed during the holidays, but you don’t have to let stress bring you down! As part of the Healthy Living Guide, we’re offering a special promotion to help you better manage your stress! From now through the end of the year, you can receive a FREE Sleep Support & Renewal™ when you purchase any two Ionix® Supreme products! Adaptogens plus sound sleep? It’s a winning combination!

Buddy Up

Sticking to your weight loss or business goals through the holiday season can be tough on its own, but trying to do it alone? Well, that takes tough to another level because the truth is, everything is easier when you have someone else to rely on for support. Find a partner who shares similar wellness or business goals as you, preferably someone who will be attending some of the same parties and gatherings as you. You can keep each other accountable and lift each other up when the going gets tough.

But there’s another reason to find an accountability partner for the holidays: it’s a great way to share Isagenix with others. Weight gain and eating an abundance of unhealthy foods are concerns at the forefront of most people’s mind, and armed with the Healthy Living Guide, you have an excellent solution for these problems!

You can do this, and we’re here to help! Check out our Healthy Living Guide for more wellness and business inspiration!

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