The Best of Isagenix Health 2021

Throughout the year Isagenix Health delivers science-based articles to help answer questions and give you the information you need to achieve your goals. These are our top 10 articles from 2021 that will help inspire you to start to your new year with health and success in mind.










10. Are You Really Fasting on a Cleanse Day?

Are you really fasting on a Cleanse Day? It’s a common question and we’ve got your answer! We walk you through the science of autophagy, fasting, and how Cleanse Day-approved snack options can support your health and weight loss goals.











9. Women’s Guide to Bone Health at Every Age

Bone health is an important element of wellbeing for everybody; however, women face unique challenges. No matter your age, you can take steps to build stronger bones and prevent bone loss.











8. Hey Beauty! Don’t Let Stress Turn You Into a Beast

Hey Beauty – don’t let stress turn you into a beast! These 4 lifestyle tips can help you address stress for better support of our skin and overall health.











7. 8 Reasons to Keep Your Body Moving

Research is showing more reasons than ever to live a more active lifestyle. These 8 benefits will inspire you to keep your body in motion.











6. 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Collagen

There’s more to collagen than its beauty boosting benefits. Here are 5 science-backed benefits of collagen you may not have known!











5. Whey More Than Protein: Unique Benefits of Whey Protein You May Not Know

In addition to its outstanding nutritional value, whey protein has unique functional benefits for health that you might not have heard about. This article outlines the impressive benefits of whey protein.











4. Beyond Weight Loss: The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Metabolism and Cellular Health

Intermittent fasting is a popular tool for managing weight, but researchers are finding this lifestyle may have additional benefits for health that you might not have considered.











3. Men’s Nutrition: Simplicity and Consistency is Key

Men’s wellness and nutrition is an under-discussed yet very important topic. In this article, we break down what matters most and focus on simple steps to improve men’s health.











2. Flexible Plant-Based Eating for Everyone

Are there still benefits to plant-based eating if you don’t stick to plant foods 100% of the time? It turns out that there’s a lot to be said for staying flexible.











1. Stress Less With Adaptogen Elixir

Stress happens. Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve to help you stay focused and conquer stress, and we’ve bottled them up to create your daily dose of serenity – Adaptogen Elixir™.

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