Jump-Start Your New Year With the IsaBody Challenge

The new year is around the corner, and another 365 days can bring a new attitude, often inspired by a desire to change and improve. Whether that change is in the form of a full-body transformation, a shift of the mind, or both, one of the best ways to achieve it is through the IsaBody Challenge®. Now is the perfect time to get a jump-start on your New Year’s resolution and take the Challenge!

The 16-week IsaBody Challenge is a staple for many Isagenix Associates and business builders. Help us reach our highest completion rate ever by enrolling in and completing your next Challenge! The deadline to register for the Top Achievers judging period and to submit your completion materials to be eligible for the New Year Kick Off 2018 judging period is Nov. 8.

Not only does the Challenge give you the chance to achieve your health goals, it also provides you with tools you need to succeed and rewards you for your success. Everyone who completes their Challenge and fulfills all requirements by the deadline is eligible for an achievement award which includes:

–       A $200 product certificate.

–       An exclusive IsaBody Challenge T-shirt.

–       The opportunity to become one of five finalists who each win $3,000 or one of 10 honorable mentions who each win $1,000!

This year, the IsaBody™ Grand Prize Winner, Runner-Up, and Finalists, along with their guests, escaped to Costa Rica for the 2017 IsaBody Escape. During their weeklong stay, the IsaBody Challenge participants relaxed at an all-inclusive resort, spent time swimming and sunning on the beautiful Costa Rican beaches, enjoyed zip lining and horseback riding, participated in some business training, and had the option to enjoy excursions and other activities.

Another perk of the Challenge? If you are honored with the title of finalist, you have the opportunity to compete against other finalists from each of the three yearly Challenge periods for an even bigger prize: the title of IsaBody Challenge Grand Prize Winner and the title of IsaBody Challenge Runner-Up. As the IsaBody Grand Prize Winner, you will be awarded $25,000, and as the IsaBody Runner-Up, you will be awarded $10,000 onstage at Global Celebration 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Head to your Back Office today, and enroll in the next IsaBody Challenge. For more information, visit IsaBodyChallenge.com.

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Source: IsaFYI.com