A Word About “Diet Review” Sites

It’s easy these days to see how myths spread online. Banking on traffic from social media outlets like Facebook, websites frequently rely on statements that are inflammatory or outrageous to generate the most clicks and the most traffic.

Unfortunately, with these circumstances, the truth is often lost to the consumer. In the world of nutritional and weight loss products, unscrupulous websites are sometimes generated by companies that are trying to sell their own brand of products. Rather than selling products based on merit, quality, or clinical evidence, they resort to misinformation campaigns and spreading myths.

One example is the rise of company-backed, unscrupulous websites that pretend to be objective reviewers of diets or weight loss products. Under a camouflaged design, these sites then publish negative reviews of products based on unsubstantiated or misleading information. All the while, the disguised site is attempting to guide the reader to purchase a brand of a product it’s pushing based on false information.

Readers are correct to be skeptical of baseless claims. However, we understand that not all may have the time to investigate the tactics of these sites. Most recently, Isagenix has been a target of these websites publishing negative reviews which has also caused some concern for customers.

We wish to clear up some of the consumer confusion by helping to separate myths from facts about our products. Specifically, the chosen target of these sites has been our scientifically supported weight loss system including our clinically backed IsaLean™ Shake. It’s important to remind our Customers of the following points:

The Facts on Our Protein Sources

  • Our dairy-based IsaLean Shakes feature high-quality undenatured whey protein alongside milk protein concentrate as major protein sources. The combination of protein sources as part of IsaLean Shake is clinically studied and shown to support healthy weight loss (1-4). Additionally, they have been shown to support improvements in physical performance in both athletic women and men (5, 6).
  • Whey protein makes up the majority of the protein in the shake and acts as a fast-digesting protein that supplies a high concentration of muscle-supporting branched-chain amino acids, while milk protein concentrate is a slower-digesting protein source assisting with satiety (7, 8). Together these two protein sources promote muscle maintenance and satiety – both critical factors during weight loss. In addition, low-heat nonfat dry milk also supplies some protein yet is used mainly for promoting a creamy texture and flavor.
  • These protein sources are completely safe, healthy, and rigorously tested for quality. Our suppliers and manufacturers have strong safeguards in place to prevent any kind of adulteration (9). It’s important to note that adulterants (e.g. melamine) have never been detected in any dairy protein used in Isagenix products.

The Facts on Carbohydrate and Fiber Sources

  • True to its design as a meal replacement, IsaLean Shake contains a combination of carbohydrate sources. The carbohydrates include fructose in the amount equivalent to about a medium-sized apple. In these moderate amounts, fructose is shown to help provide a more moderate rise in blood sugar as compared to other carbohydrate sources and is mainly burned up as energy in a calorie-restricted diet (10-13).
  • IsaLean Shake contains a variety of dietary fiber sources. Xanthan gum is one source of soluble dietary fiber. It also functions in distributing flavor and development of the texture of the shake. The ingredient has a long history of use, a strong safety profile, and is well tolerated in clinical studies as compared to other dietary fiber sources (15).

The Facts on Total Calories, Cost, and Quality

  • IsaLean Shake is designed as a nutritious meal replacement, complete with a balanced amount of quality proteins, good fats, and energy-fueling carbohydrates. The product is also clinically tested to be low glycemic and to support healthy weight loss (1-4).
  • In comparison, other shakes that are lower in calories may not consider themselves full meal replacements and may not be backed by any clinical evidence to demonstrate that the products support weight loss. When considering a high-quality meal replacement shake, most important is to consider what you put into your body. It’s also important when you consider that you may be recommending this product to friends and family members.
  • Consumers of IsaLean Shake can feel confident that their shake is backed by our no-compromise policy. Our stringent quality standards start with rigorous testing of each individual raw material prior to use in any manufacturing followed by Finished Product Verification to ensure that what is on the label is in the product. Consumers can also feel confident that the shake they are consuming is clinically studied and has demonstrated its role in supporting safe weight loss.

Isagenix is a company that prides itself on doing things the right way. With both “health” and “integrity” as part of its core values, the company is one that’s built upon no-compromise products that are also backed by science. It’s a high standard that sets Isagenix apart. At Isagenix we understand that accurate information is essential to make informed choices about health, and we always put our consumers first.


  1. Klempel MC, Kroeger, CM, Bhutani S et al. Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women. Nutr J 2012 11:98. doi: 1186/1475-2891-11-98.
  2. Kroeger CM, Klempel MC, Bhutani S et al. Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations. Nutr Metab 2012;9:98. doi: doi: 1186/1743-7075-9-98
  3. Arciero PJ, Edmonds R, He F, Ward E, Gumpricht E, Mohr A, Ormsbee MJ, Astrup A.  Protein-pacing caloric-restriction enhances body composition similarly in obese men and women during weight Loss and sustains efficacy during long-term weight maintenance. Nutrients 2016, 8(8), 476; doi: 3390/nu8080476
  4. Li Z, He F, Tinsley G et al. Comparison of high-protein, intermittent-fasting low-calorie diet and heart healthy diet for vascular health of the obese Physiol. 7:350. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00350
  5. Arciero PJ, Ives SJ, Norton C, Escudero D, Minicucci O, O’Brien G, Paul M, Ormsbee MJ, Miller V, Sheridan C, He F. Protein-pacing and multi-component exercise training improved physical performance outcomes in exercise-trained women: PRISE 3 study. Nutrients2016, 8(6), 332; doi:3390/nu8060332
  6. Ives SJ, Norton C, Miller V, Minicucci O, Robinson J, O’Brien G, Escudero D, Paul M, Sheridan C, Curran K, Rose K, Robinson N, He F & Arciero PJ. Multi-modal exercise training and protein-pacing enhances physical performance adaptations independent of growth hormone and BDNF but may be dependent on IGF-1 in exercise-trained men. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2016 Oct 24. doi: 1016/j.ghir.2016.10.002
  7. Hector AJ, et al. Whey protein supplementation preserves postprandial myofibrillar protein synthesis during short-term energy restriction in overweight and obese adults. J Nutr. Doi: 10.3945/jn.114.200832
  8. Burd NA, et al. Greater stimulation of myofibrillar protein synthesis with ingestion of whey protein isolate v. micellar casein at rest and after resistance exercise in elderly men. Br J Nutr 1-5, 2012.
  9. Pickert K. Brief history of melamine. Time. 17 Sep 2008. Available at: http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1841757,00.html
  10. Sievenpiper JL, de Souza RJ, Mirrahimi A et al. Effect of Fructose on Body Weight in Controlled Feeding Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 2012;156:291-304.
  11. Sievenpiper JL, Chiavaroli L, de Souza RJ et al. ‘Catalytic’ doses of fructose may benefit glycaemic control without harming cardiometabolic risk factors: a small meta-analysis of randomised controlled feeding trials. Br J Nutr 2012;1-6. doi: 1017/S000711451200013X
  12. Ha V, Sievenpiper JL, de Souza RJ et al. Effect of Fructose on Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. Hypertension doi: 10.1161/​HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.182311
  13. Sievenpiper JL, de Souza RJ, Jenkins DJA. “Sugar: fruit fructose is still healthy.” Correspondence. Nature 482, 470 (23 February 2012) doi: 1038/482470e
  14. Cozma AI et al. Effect of Fructose on Glycemic Control in Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. Diabetes Care 2012;35:1-10.doi: 2337/dc12-0073
  15. Eastwood MA, Brydon WG, Anderson DM. The dietary effects of xanthan gum in man. Food Addit Contam. 1987 Jan-Mar;4(1):17-26. doi: 1080/02652038709373610

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Source: IsagenixHealth.net